Sophia is almost 10 weeks old. She went for he 2 month check-up this past monday and she had definately grown! She now weighs JUST under 12 lbs and is 22 and a half inches long. The doctor says she is chubby and has a big head...haha. I'm sure she will grow into it ( I hope at least! ). She is excited because Nana, Papa, Auntie Lia, Uncle Chris and her little cousins are coming to visit her for the very first time this weekend. I will be taking lots and lots of pictures of their visit so check back for those! She has started accomplishing some fun milestones such as smiling, laughing, "talking" to us, squealing VERY loudly for unexplained reasons, holding her head up more, lifting her legs when she's on her back, watching TV (not such a good habit!), grabbing onto some of her toys, following me around a room with her eyes and the best of one of all...calming herself to sleep with very little assistance from me!! This makes the night time ritual a little bit easier. She has, however, begun getting up around 5:30 a.m. Luckily she will go back to sleep within an hour or so, but never having been much of a morning gal myself, it is not the easiest task to wake up with her that early!! I love her more than anything though and would gladly sacrifice my sleep just to see her smiling, giggling face looking up at me as I lean over her crib. Keep us in prayers that she will continue to grow into a strong and healthy little girl who will love the Lord with all her heart. Thanks!