I got a little carried away with the photo shoot...her eyes say "Ok mom, enough already!!" haha
"You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them." ~ Desmund Tutu
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Cutie Pie!!
Just sitting around in the cute little outfit Auntie Lia sent me!! Sorry some of these are sideways, but I couldn't figure out how to rotate them!!

I got a little carried away with the photo shoot...her eyes say "Ok mom, enough already!!" haha
I got a little carried away with the photo shoot...her eyes say "Ok mom, enough already!!" haha
Monday, March 19, 2007
7 weeks into our journey...
Sophia is officially 7 weeks old today. Time has gone by so quickly. She is outgrowing many of her little outfits and surprisingly even fitting into some 3 month clothes!! I guess the doctor was right when she said the baby was "chubby"...haha. The older she gets the more comments we receive that she is looking like Brian. Personally I can't decide who she resembles more. She has features of us both. I just hope the Puerto Rican and Italian mix will equip her with a great tan and fun (but not TOO crazy) personality. God has given us much grace in figuring out how to be parents. I'm still trying to establish some sort of routine and ease back into normal life. There are still days I feel like I have no clue what I am doing but that seems to be the norm for first time moms :) We started a few play groups which has been a blessing for us both. Friend interaction is VERY important and much appreciated. Sophia's next doctor's appointment is April 2nd and we will see how much more she has grown. At her one month appointment she weighed 9 lbs. and 5 ounces and was 20.5 inches long. I would update you more but she is crying for my attention!! Keep checking in for more fun Sophia facts
Some more pictures...
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