I am writing this post for a few reasons. Simply because my heart is heavy today and yet it is filled with such joy and gratefulness at the same time. A family we knew back in MD recently had their precious five week old daughter taken home to heaven. We weren't super close to this family but I can't stop shedding tears and feeling a pain in my heart when I think of them. Heather is an incredible woman of God who has been walking through this trial with a grace and strength like none I have ever known. When I look at my girls lately I am again brought to tears in thankfulness for them simply being. They are here, they are mine to care for and they bring me great joy. Please please pray for the Castro family if you have a moment. Their burdens are the burdens of the body of Christ and we want to join with them in celebrating and grieving their little Alivia Sandra Castro. May God's faithfulness shine upon your family Heather. I wish we were closer to help you practically.
I encourage you, if you are walking through a trial of any magnitude right now, to visit the Castro family blog at www.castroclan.blogspot.com It has been such an amazing example to me of God's REAL and EVIDENT love to his children.