Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Good Morning Sleepy Head...

Sophia has finally upgraded to a toddler bed!!  My little girl is not going to be so little forever.  We drove out to pick up the bed (we bought it off craigslist) and Brian's first reaction was "THIS is the bed?  Are you sure? It looks like a doll bed!! It's sooo tiny!!".  Upon further reflexion however he realized that it is JUST the right size for a two year old and Phia agrees.  She LOVED the bed from day one.  Once we brought it home and reassembled it she climbed on in and exclaimed "OH WOW! ni-ni mommy ni-ni" as she waved to me with her head on the pillow (of course ni-ni is toddler talk for goodnight). I asked her if she liked her new big girl bed and she smiled and emphatically answered "YAH!".  She slept in it that first night, and every night since, without a single complaint.  She didn't even mind that we gave her crib to AJ.  She simply pointed to it and said "Bumpa ni-ni".  So here it is in all it's glory.  Sophia's bed complete with monkey and her matching Sophia dolly from Auntie Donna :) We are blessed to have a child who transitions so easily.

After a good night's sleep in her new bed, she decided to start the day with a bad case of bed-head and a yummy apple cinnamon waffle.  I had to capture her in the act of actually eating considering she is still a PICKY PICKY girl when it comes to food.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

We are here...

My little photographer...believe it or not, Sophia took this picture all by herself!!! haha

Well...we are here in NC...finally!! We just moved into our new home this past weekend. Things have been hectic but I am so grateful to finally have the house hunting complete. Once the boxes are gone I will take some pictures and post them. After living with Andre and April for a month, God has graciously blessed us with a lovely 4 bedroom rental and the girls are loving it!! Autumn has her own room with a crib to sleep in (at last!!) and Sophia has her own space along with a large play room to run free through. We can breathe a sigh of relief as we venture into our new journey down south. I miss my best girl friends terribly and still have hard days, but the Lord has proven himself time and time again. I have no doubt it will feel like home here sooner than later. Our new address is 10818 Traders Court, Davidson NC 28036. Feel free to send us mail!! We are anticipating being with family for the holidays and just taking things one day at a time. Love you all, thanks for your support and I will update whenever I get a free moment. These days they are few and far between but I will find them!!

Bumpa!! As Sophia so endearingly calls her...

It doesn't get much cuter than this!! She is looking more like a mini version of Sophia (only with much less hair...haha) She is still daddy's little girl however. She has such a sweet spirit. She loves to cuddle and smiles at everyone who will smile back. Love you bumpa!!

The Harvest Festival...

We took Sophia to the Harvest Festival at Freedom House church. She just couldn't get enough of those goats!! The staff let her pet (and kiss...haha) a little baby bunny. And she ever posed for a photo with daddy and the Rita's Italian Ice cup!! She had a blast eating funnel cake for the first time and following around the other kids. Happy fall baby girl :)