Sophia has finally upgraded to a toddler bed!! My little girl is not going to be so little forever. We drove out to pick up the bed (we bought it off craigslist) and Brian's first reaction was "THIS is the bed? Are you sure? It looks like a doll bed!! It's sooo tiny!!". Upon further reflexion however he realized that it is JUST the right size for a two year old and Phia agrees. She LOVED the bed from day one. Once we brought it home and reassembled it she climbed on in and exclaimed "OH WOW! ni-ni mommy ni-ni" as she waved to me with her head on the pillow (of course ni-ni is toddler talk for goodnight). I asked her if she liked her new big girl bed and she smiled and emphatically answered "YAH!". She slept in it that first night, and every night since, without a single complaint. She didn't even mind that we gave her crib to AJ. She simply pointed to it and said "Bumpa ni-ni". So here it is in all it's glory. Sophia's bed complete with monkey and her matching Sophia dolly from Auntie Donna :) We are blessed to have a child who transitions so easily.

After a good night's sleep in her new bed, she decided to start the day with a bad case of bed-head and a yummy apple cinnamon waffle. I had to capture her in the act of actually eating considering she is still a PICKY PICKY girl when it comes to food.

seriously adorable babe! and what a blessing that she transitioned so easily and eagerly into her new bed. she's such a cutie!
Look at that bed-head!!! Oh my... =)
She's getting to be a big girl, Linds - look out!
yay a big girl bed! how exciting! she's growing up so fast!
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