So this is going to be update post number one of eight. Yes, count em eight!! :) It has been a long time since I got on this blog. Sorry to those who have been bugging me to work on it. Our life just got busy, as it often does. Now that I know how to shrink my pictures, I am hoping it will take half the time to load them. However, since I am attempting so many posts they will be short and sweet. I hope you can still get the gist of what's been going on with the Knotts!!
I guess we will start with an update on Autumn. She turned one!! June 4th was her big milestone day and we had her cookout/pool party on the 6th. She is getting bigger and "older" every day. She is weighing and measuring average at the doctors and is still eating with a furious appetite...haha The ONLY thing she hasn't been a huge fan of is watermelon. She has taken a maximum of 5 steps on her own and is quickly working her way to "walking" status. She is learning things such as how to brush her teeth, comb her hair, attempt to put on her shoes, tell me when she's "all done" eating, respond with "yes" or "no" and give kisses!! How fast they grow. Personality wise, she has unfortunately developed quite a temper. Some of it is due to the need for self defense against her pushy big sister (we are working on loving one another!!) but it's mostly that innate sin starting to ooze out. Oh the joys of shepherding our children's hearts. God has been faithful to give us wisdom on how to guide a one year old through a bitty fit of rage (though we still have much to learn!!). Anyways, here are a few shots from her birthday party.

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