"You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them." ~ Desmund Tutu
Thursday, October 1, 2009
"Mouse a scare you!!!"
So we decided to take Sophia and Autumn for their FIRST trip to the stimulating world of Chucky Cheese. Every kid HAS to go there at least once in their life right? I mean we all did it as kids. The rides, the tokens, the games, the tickets, the prizes, the pizza and THE MOUSE!! Well, we were excited but we performed the parental "no no" number one!! We went on a Saturday afternoon...haha What were we thinking?? Craziness ensued. That place was packed out!! Brian was a nervous wreck that we were going to lose the girls, older kids were pushing my poor Autumn down the slide and then there was our Sophia and her flair for the dramatic. I have never seen a child throw such a fit over an animated character!! She thought it was the devil (I mean literally). She saw him...her eyes became HUGE and glazed over...her mouth dropped open...her lip quivered...her knees buckled...and she screamed "MOMMMMYY!! MOUSE A SCARE YOU!! IT SCARE YOU!! IT GET ME!! IT SCARE YOU!!" Needless to say we left immediately in order to avoid any permanent damage to her childhood memories. Soooo these pictures are taken from two separate trips to Chucky Cheese. We had so many tokens left over from our first disaster that I took the girls up again (with a friend and her cutie kids) during the week when NO ONE else was there. As soon as we pulled up Sophia said "Uh oh Mama!! NOOO!! Mouse a scare you!!" So we had a long talk about how the mouse was nice and she didn't have to go see him if she didn't want to. I explained how she could stay in the play area and watch him dance and that Jesus and myself would protect her from anything scary. She finally agreed and actually had a fun time. I think her favorite part was the skeet ball!! That's my girl!! Anyways, enjoy these pictures I managed to snap and keep my sensitive little toddler's soul in your prayers...haha
This first one is my favorite...the little boy just popped out and Autumn thought it was hilarious...so glad I captured it!!
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