How to sum up our trip to California?!?! We had such an amazing time. The packing and the super long plane ride were horrible and I don't want to do either for a long long time. Overall, however, I am glad we went :) We had some disagreements with the flight attendants on the first flight. In short I ended up having to hold a wiggly, very cranky and irritable Autumn on my lap for 45 minutes. I really didn't hold her. She more like flailed and rolled around on the dirty floor while screaming bloody murder and smacking Sophia because she was sitting in her seat...sigh. By the grace of the Lord, we were able to put Autumn in the car seat (as planned) for all the other flights. We had a two hour layover both coming and going (definitely not recommended with kids) and my legs were so numb from Sophia sleeping my lap that I wasn't sure I'd ever walk again!! haha Anyways, we finally arrived at some ungodly hour on Christmas Eve. My sister-in-laws house is just beautiful. The view from her backyard consists of "snow-capped mountains" and gorgeous dessert with palm trees. I sure wouldn't mind waking up to THAT every day. We had a lot of fun filled family time. My girls got to bond with their three older cousins and they enjoyed every minute of it. Lia and her husband Chris took us on some wonderful day trips (including one to Newport Beach where we were able to meet up with my best friend from Maryland!!). We were so blessed. I am tearing up even as I type about it. I miss Tiffany dearly and the Lord was so kind to orchestrate our vacations to meet each other out west. We all had a very relaxing time and hope to be able to go back when the girls get a bit older. I can't say thank you enough to Lia for housing the mass amounts of family that showed up at her door :) We love you Lia!! This post contains some pictures that I took of the trip. If you want to see some amazing pictures Brian's cousin took (he's a very talented professional unlike myself) than you can view them on his Facebook page (Justin Mein)!!
Ok so I lied...I HAD to put up some of the pictures Justin took...he's so talented and they are so great, I had to share...these first eight are his...