Alright, so I know I SAID the next post was going to be of the California trip. However, I forgot to post about Sophia's first hair cut!! After over 2 1/2 years of combatting Brian to let me take the girl for a hair cut, he FINALLY agreed that it was time. I must admit I was really nervous. She doesn't always take well to new situations and I did NOT want to scare her off!! I ended up being sooo proud of my girlie. She was very excited when I told her where we were headed. She had remembered me telling her I was going to get MY hair cut not too long prior and automatically grabbed at the chance to do something mommy had done!! The place we went to was awesome. It is designed for kids and caters to them in every way. She got to watch a special video, hold a princess mirror and even get a surprise from the "magic machine" when she was done. She sat very still, gave her opinions and politely thanked the stylist!! We didn't cut much of,f since she has such gorgeous hair. We did get a cute little trim though. Here are the pictures!!

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