Precious Teeny Tiny One...

Wow, so that myth about second babies being easier than firsts??? WRONG in my case...haha. My new little girl has already proven to be quite the handful and she is only 7 weeks old!! Talk about a high maintenance kid. She fusses and spits up more than any baby I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. She fusses even when her eyes are closed!! We switched her formula to soy after about 5 1/2 weeks because she just seemed so unhappy. That worked for about a week and now I feel that we are back on the same boat again. She stays awake from about 9 p.m.-12 a.m. EVERY night and when she finally falls asleep it is a sweet thing!! haha Now I don't mean that she is just awake. This child will squirm and wiggle and grunt and fuss and want her pacifier than suddenly launch it across the room and cry for it again...sigh. Lately she has been sleeping until about 7 in the morning (which is great!!) but going to bed so late is taking its toll on me. She does much better during the day so I am figuring she just has a touch of night time colic. In short, pray for us!! These past 7 weeks have been tough on Brian and I. Trust in the Lord has taken central focus as we slowly remember what it was like to have a newborn. We also have moments that we stare at our big girl in disbelief that she got so big so fast!! We are filled with mixed emotions of both wishing we could skip past all the hardship of early baby life and desperately trying to savor every moment for as long as we can, knowing it will end all too soon. Luckily Sophia has been a champion sleeper in the mornings (not waking up until 8:30 sometimes 9!!) On that note, I hear her now!! Anyways, a plea to my little AJ to end this post...please don't grow too fast but just fast enough to keep mommy sane!!! xoxox Any suggestions for help are welcome :)
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