Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Spitty Update...

Alas, I believe we may have truly discovered the secret behind my little Autumn's fussy demeanor.  At her five week check up the doctor mentioned that her tongue looked a bit white and she thought she had mild thrush (which is a yeast infection in the mouth).  She said to watch and see if it gets thicker or spreads and if so than she would call in an RX to treat it for her.  Well, I hadn't noticed any significant change (so I thought) as the days went on.  But the fussier she became the more worried I became.  So one day I happened to tilt her head back and take a good look in her mouth.  WELL let me tell you...she had white patches EVERYWHERE!!  On the inside of her cheeks, the roof of her mouth, on the inside of her lips and her tongue was a solid block of whiteness.  Needless to say I got the RX right away and started her on it.  It's kind of nasty stuff but already less than 24 hours later she seems soooo much happier.  I looked up thrush online and found that it can cause great fussiness and irritability. I mean think about it, its a yeast infection!!!  Ohhh my poor lovey.  But thank the Lord for treatment.  Keep praying with me that she will get better in a week's time or less and that she will transform into a more content child :)

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Nice changes to the blog! And let me say that we are very happy to hear you are going to update more frequently!! :)

I hope once the thrush clears you'll see a big difference, but watch the spit-up b/c that could still be reflux related.

This is what helped w/ Kate's constant fussing -- it was like magic potion. It worked in seconds!! www.coliccalm.com (Also getting her on Prevacid helped alot too!)