So I am supposed to be cleaning the toy room as I type, but blogging has become addictive...haha A few days ago, the girls decided they were going to play pretend. Not something unusual for them, but the story they came up with was a new one! They were playing "pa-tend goin' to sool" (as Sophia put it...pretend going to school in english). So they grabbed their little shoes, coats and sleeping bag backpacks. They loaded up their bags with randomness (toys, blankies, sippy cups...u know, the essentials haha) and waved goodbye!! Of course the farthest they made it was the front steps (which was soon dubbed the "class"), but it certainly was adorable to watch. I was slightly tempted to tear up just thinking that this day (for real) is only a few years away. My girls might be a lot of work at pre-school and toddler age but I will NEVER get this stage of life back. I am learning to treasure each tantrum filled afternoon in a new way and take as many pictures as I can to ensure a wealth of documentation :) Love you big girls...always and forever xoxo