Yes, I know it is spelt wrong but my children have added a whole new meaning to the word. Medi-sin = alternate spelling of the word medicine...definition = when your kids deliberate disobey your instruction concerning a controlled substance of types. Let me explain...the girls have had colds on and off for about two months now (not fun for anyone). Last time they fell ill, the Dr. suggested that I give them warm apple juice with honey, benadryl to dry them up and apply vicks vapor-rub to the soles of their feet before bedtime. Remembering these techniques this time around I decided to implement them right away. Last night, after a looong day, we had baths. The girls were beautifully cleaned, in their pj's, hair dried and medicine taken. I must note that my girls are OBSESSED with medicine. They ask for it on a regular basis (and I don't give it to them often, honestly!!). Sophia proceeded to ask about a hundred times if she could touch the vicks vapor-rub that I was applying to their feet. I repeatedly told her "no" that it wasn't a toy but medicine and she was not allowed to touch it. She finally "accepted my answer" (or so I thought) and I left them to peacefully read a book together on Sophia's bed. I put the vapor-rub "up high" (or again, so I thought).
I returned to the bathroom to clean out the tub and put the dirty clothes into the hamper. No more than five minutes later, I hear quiet giggles from across the hall. "What's going on in there?", I ask. "Nothin Mama, just div buppa da medicine. Buppa div me da medicine too!", responds Sophia. My heart sinks (thinking they somehow got ahold of the benadryl) but as I am racing towards her door I pass the benadryl safely sitting outside the gate where I left it. Next thing I know I am standing in front of two girls who are COVERED from head to toe with a shiny, whitish, thick and sticky substance. "NOOOOOOO!!!", I screech. My lovely SINFUL three year old had deliberately disobeyed me. She had taken her plastic tinker-bell chair from her bedroom, piled it with pillows and climbed up to the shelf where I had left the vapor-rub. She unscrewed the top and the girls began GENEROUSLY spreading it all over each other. I'm talking in their hair, all over their clothes, covering their faces like masks and I could BARELY see Autumn's ears underneath the globs of vapor-rub. My response was a bit less than gracious as I had to redo baths, redo hair drying, redo pajamas, redo the bedding and was still left with two heads of greasy matted down hair (any suggestions for easily removing vapor-rub from long flowing locks of hair, please let me know).
By the time I was finished it was late, my patience was worn thin and I needed to buy more vapor-rub....sigh. But alas, the crisis is over and it's a memory I suppose. I do believe that the most "memorable" part of this situation was simply remembering that my girls aren't alone in their sin. Inspired by a dear friend of mine, Sophia and I have started to sing the gospel song before bed each night. As I sang it with her after "the ordeal" I was freshly reminded of how my actions towards the Lord are at times just as deliberately disobedient as my little girls are. I guess Sophia and I have a lot to work on TOGETHER. I may be 22 years older but surely not 22 years wiser when it comes to the occasional belligerent attitude. Anyhow, it's a good thing vapor-rub isn't all that dangerous. I did read the label and although it clearly states "not recommended for use directly on the face, in the nostrils or around the ears" what can you do?!?! It's now Monday morning, the girls survived the night and I am starting with a cup of coffee and my bible. Here's to a new day :)
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