So my "lesson" with Sophia today went as follows:
Me: "Ok babe, let's count to ten!"
S: "Ok...1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10"
Me: "Great job!! Ok now repeat 1-2-3"
S: "3"
Me: "No. Say each number" (holding up my fingers)
S: "Letter A"
Me: "No. Not letters...NUMBERS...say 1-2-3"
S: "1-2-7"
Me: "No. Who said 7? No one said 7"
S: "Yes mama. Me did!!"
And so it continued until I about lost my sanity. Am I called to home-school my kids? I think NOT!! Maybe the sugar from her morning donuts caused a brain misfire? Or maybe she's just rebelling against learning on a Saturday?? One may never know. LOL

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