Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Please pray...

I am writing this post for a few reasons.  Simply because my heart is heavy today and yet it is filled with such joy and gratefulness at the same time.  A family we knew back in MD recently had their precious five week old daughter taken home to heaven.  We weren't super close to this family but I can't stop shedding tears and feeling a pain in my heart when I think of them.  Heather is an incredible woman of God who has been walking through this trial with a grace and strength like none I have ever known.  When I look at my girls lately I am again brought to tears in thankfulness for them simply being.  They are here, they are mine to care for and they bring me great joy.  Please please pray for the Castro family if you have a moment.  Their burdens are the burdens of the body of Christ and we want to join with them in celebrating and grieving their little Alivia Sandra Castro.  May God's faithfulness shine upon your family Heather.  I wish we were closer to help you practically.
I encourage you, if you are walking through a trial of any magnitude right now, to visit the Castro family blog at www.castroclan.blogspot.com It has been such an amazing example to me of God's REAL and EVIDENT love to his children.  

Playground Fun!!

We took the little pumpkin heads to the park the other day.  Sophia had such a grand time!!  It is the park in our neighborhood community and it is the PERFECT toddler size.  She can climb and jump and slide all on her own (which you must know by now, she likes to do things ON HER OWN...haha)  Here are a few cute shots I captured.  I'm sure the grandparents will have fun bringing her here on the holiday break.  Enjoy!!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

6 month stats on baby...

Weighing in at a whopping 17.4 lbs (75th percentile) and measuring 25 1/2 inches long (50th percentile) "little" Autumn certainly isn't very little anymore...haha  As she incessantly blew spit bubbles and made raspberry noises during her appointment, the doctor's words were "well she is clearly a very happy, healthy and BIG girl!!" haha  She is definitely much happier and mostly acid reflux free.  She downs about 30 ounces of formula per day (6 ounces more than Sophia ever put away!!) Praise God for my healthy munchkin.  She is joyful, energetic and always smiling.  We are so blessed.  Happy 6 month Birthday Bumpa!!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Tranquilizing Turkey...

After much excitement, laughter, turkey, potatoes and pie...Autumn just couldn't keep those adorable eyes open one minute longer.  She passed out on Shelly's mom (a virtual stranger mind you...haha) and was completely content at her first Thanksgiving Day celebration.  She takes after her daddy...this is what the holiday's do to him too...haha

Sophia on the other hand had much too much pumpkin pie and turtle ice cream cake to keep her going and going and going (just like the energizer bunny...haha)  Here she is trying to look innocent while sticking her entire fist into the bowl of melting ice cream cake.  At least she ate her turkey before she forced me into giving her dessert.  Who can say "no" to that face huh?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Good Morning Sleepy Head...

Sophia has finally upgraded to a toddler bed!!  My little girl is not going to be so little forever.  We drove out to pick up the bed (we bought it off craigslist) and Brian's first reaction was "THIS is the bed?  Are you sure? It looks like a doll bed!! It's sooo tiny!!".  Upon further reflexion however he realized that it is JUST the right size for a two year old and Phia agrees.  She LOVED the bed from day one.  Once we brought it home and reassembled it she climbed on in and exclaimed "OH WOW! ni-ni mommy ni-ni" as she waved to me with her head on the pillow (of course ni-ni is toddler talk for goodnight). I asked her if she liked her new big girl bed and she smiled and emphatically answered "YAH!".  She slept in it that first night, and every night since, without a single complaint.  She didn't even mind that we gave her crib to AJ.  She simply pointed to it and said "Bumpa ni-ni".  So here it is in all it's glory.  Sophia's bed complete with monkey and her matching Sophia dolly from Auntie Donna :) We are blessed to have a child who transitions so easily.

After a good night's sleep in her new bed, she decided to start the day with a bad case of bed-head and a yummy apple cinnamon waffle.  I had to capture her in the act of actually eating considering she is still a PICKY PICKY girl when it comes to food.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

We are here...

My little photographer...believe it or not, Sophia took this picture all by herself!!! haha

Well...we are here in NC...finally!! We just moved into our new home this past weekend. Things have been hectic but I am so grateful to finally have the house hunting complete. Once the boxes are gone I will take some pictures and post them. After living with Andre and April for a month, God has graciously blessed us with a lovely 4 bedroom rental and the girls are loving it!! Autumn has her own room with a crib to sleep in (at last!!) and Sophia has her own space along with a large play room to run free through. We can breathe a sigh of relief as we venture into our new journey down south. I miss my best girl friends terribly and still have hard days, but the Lord has proven himself time and time again. I have no doubt it will feel like home here sooner than later. Our new address is 10818 Traders Court, Davidson NC 28036. Feel free to send us mail!! We are anticipating being with family for the holidays and just taking things one day at a time. Love you all, thanks for your support and I will update whenever I get a free moment. These days they are few and far between but I will find them!!

Bumpa!! As Sophia so endearingly calls her...

It doesn't get much cuter than this!! She is looking more like a mini version of Sophia (only with much less hair...haha) She is still daddy's little girl however. She has such a sweet spirit. She loves to cuddle and smiles at everyone who will smile back. Love you bumpa!!

The Harvest Festival...

We took Sophia to the Harvest Festival at Freedom House church. She just couldn't get enough of those goats!! The staff let her pet (and kiss...haha) a little baby bunny. And she ever posed for a photo with daddy and the Rita's Italian Ice cup!! She had a blast eating funnel cake for the first time and following around the other kids. Happy fall baby girl :)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Being silly :)

Growing up so fast...

Well since the move Brian packed my camera adaptor in the POD.  Therefore I cannot post any pictures of my baby girls!!!  But I took a few of AJ using my computer camera so here she is!!  

Sunday, August 24, 2008

So Much To Say, So Little Time...

Well, as many of you know, much has happened over the past few weeks!! As soon as I get my new camera (woohoo for birthday's and generous family members!!) I will post more pictures of the ever growing angel babies. Since there is so much to update you all on, I will start today with the happier side of things. And the news is....we finally cured the troubles of my little AJ (I know I have said this before, but this time I REALLY mean it!! haha) As I was praying for my baby girl, I had an impression to go online and search for ways to help soothe her discomfort. I began researching different formula options to help with the reflux symptoms, and I randomly came across a very interesting blog. A father had written about his son (around AJ's age) who had basically the same symptoms and "diagnosis" as her. He commented on his blog that his son seemed to have a sensitivity to the DHA and ARA that they are now adding to infant formula. I thought, at first, that this was a bit strange. But the more I looked into it the more convinced I became that there was validity behind his claim. I researched where this imitation DHA and ARA comes from and found that it is extracted from plant algae and fungus and really bears very little similarity to the DHA and ARA truly found in breastmilk. I found reports from the FDA stating that there is very little conclusive evidence that these added elements truly do help support healthy brain and eye development (like it says on the can). I also found an article by the Cornicopia University (I'll include the link) that had documented over 100 reported cases of ADVERSE affect of the DHA and ARA on infants. I read through the reports and realized that most of them described exactly what my little girl was suffering from. So in short, I immediately went and bought the Nestle Goodstart formula WITHOUT the added DHA and ARA and started her on it. As of 48 hours ago, we have had a newly healthy and happy baby. She has had less fussier days, less spitting up, less needed medication, easier bedtime routines and she has even slept ALL through the night the past 2 nights!! Praise God for the internet and for His grace and guidance. If you happen to know a mommy who has a baby on formula and suffering from any symptoms related to acid reflux, excessive gas and/or colic please refer them to these sites. It may be a huge lifesaver!!


Tuesday, July 29, 2008

18 month check-up...

Weighing in at 25 lbs 6 oz and measuring 31 1/2 inches tall, Sophia sure has grown!! She is in the 75 percentile for weight (nooo surprise there) and she's just about average for height. The doctor says everything looks great and she even suggested beginning the potty training process!! My little girlie is growing up so fast, but I'm excited for her to be older and for us to be able to develop our relationship. The message this past Sunday was so challenging and encouraging at the same time. It was about raising our children to be the best possible version of themselves by committing to love them, discipline them, train them and have them spend as much time with us (in the company of the wise) as possible. It's work that's for sure but even at 18 months we are beginning to see the fruits of our labor. Sophia loves to pray and worship. She folds her hands and bows her head at every meal and every nap/bed time without even being prompted!! God is so good. Our babies are such blessings and we are so grateful.

Spitty Update...

Alas, I believe we may have truly discovered the secret behind my little Autumn's fussy demeanor.  At her five week check up the doctor mentioned that her tongue looked a bit white and she thought she had mild thrush (which is a yeast infection in the mouth).  She said to watch and see if it gets thicker or spreads and if so than she would call in an RX to treat it for her.  Well, I hadn't noticed any significant change (so I thought) as the days went on.  But the fussier she became the more worried I became.  So one day I happened to tilt her head back and take a good look in her mouth.  WELL let me tell you...she had white patches EVERYWHERE!!  On the inside of her cheeks, the roof of her mouth, on the inside of her lips and her tongue was a solid block of whiteness.  Needless to say I got the RX right away and started her on it.  It's kind of nasty stuff but already less than 24 hours later she seems soooo much happier.  I looked up thrush online and found that it can cause great fussiness and irritability. I mean think about it, its a yeast infection!!!  Ohhh my poor lovey.  But thank the Lord for treatment.  Keep praying with me that she will get better in a week's time or less and that she will transform into a more content child :)

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Oooooh Autumn...

Precious Teeny Tiny One...

Wow, so that myth about second babies being easier than firsts??? WRONG in my case...haha. My new little girl has already proven to be quite the handful and she is only 7 weeks old!! Talk about a high maintenance kid. She fusses and spits up more than any baby I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. She fusses even when her eyes are closed!! We switched her formula to soy after about 5 1/2 weeks because she just seemed so unhappy. That worked for about a week and now I feel that we are back on the same boat again. She stays awake from about 9 p.m.-12 a.m. EVERY night and when she finally falls asleep it is a sweet thing!! haha Now I don't mean that she is just awake. This child will squirm and wiggle and grunt and fuss and want her pacifier than suddenly launch it across the room and cry for it again...sigh. Lately she has been sleeping until about 7 in the morning (which is great!!) but going to bed so late is taking its toll on me. She does much better during the day so I am figuring she just has a touch of night time colic. In short, pray for us!! These past 7 weeks have been tough on Brian and I. Trust in the Lord has taken central focus as we slowly remember what it was like to have a newborn. We also have moments that we stare at our big girl in disbelief that she got so big so fast!! We are filled with mixed emotions of both wishing we could skip past all the hardship of early baby life and desperately trying to savor every moment for as long as we can, knowing it will end all too soon. Luckily Sophia has been a champion sleeper in the mornings (not waking up until 8:30 sometimes 9!!) On that note, I hear her now!! Anyways, a plea to my little AJ to end this post...please don't grow too fast but just fast enough to keep mommy sane!!! xoxox Any suggestions for help are welcome :)

Monday, July 21, 2008

Sophia Funnies...

Recently Sophia is becoming a bit more vocal and definitely more entertaining. Her favorite thing to do is watch Blue's Clues after her nap. She happily pulls up her little bean bag chair and prepares for the TV to be turned on by clapping her hands and pointing up at the TV while proclaiming "Oh Woooow!!". During the show there are multiple little jingles to which she dances by spinning around in circles and bobbing from side to side. She also sings select words from each song (yelling them out at random...well more like babbling them out in some slightly discernible way...haha) And at the end of the show she throw her hands up in the air and exclaims "Taaa Daaaa!!" It is quite the site and one I have grown to love observing everyday. Hopefully I will capture it on video soon and you can enjoy it with me!! In addition to this, she has also suddenly become fond of mimicking daddy (sometimes good and sometimes bad...haha). Every night at dinner Brian says "Hey Bambi" (his nickname for her) and when she looks over this is what ensues...he raises and lowers his eyebrows (she copies)...he smiles and then frowns (she copies)...he blows her a kiss (and she copies). This continues until she can't contain her laughter anymore and ends the charade with a "Daaaaady!!". Gotta love the father-daughter bonding :) More Sophia funnies to come so check back!!...


To my dear friends and family...
As I had some time to sit and ponder yesterday (for the first time in 7 weeks!!) I came to a realization. I have officially decided that I am not dedicating enough time and energy to this blog!! So from here on out I promise to update my blog every other day with stories, girlie girl updates and fun filled pictures!! Lord willing, my husband will be getting me a lovely new camera for my birthday that will upload pictures MUCH faster. Than I can keep up with all this. There is so much to show and tell about my beautiful family so I commit to doing so. Today will mark day one of the transformation so stay tuned for a post when Sophia takes her nap!!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Autumn Joy

She's finally here!! So things have been a little crazy this past week and half and I haven't had ANY time to post pictures of our new addition. Here is one to hold you over until things calm down. I never thought life with two kids could be so insane!! haha God is good and we are so blessed. Autumn was born safe and healthy on June 4th at 4:30 p.m. She was 6 lbs. 5 oz. and 19.25 inches long. I only pushed for 10 minutes and was only in active labor for one hour!! They broke my water at 3:30 p.m. when I was 4 cm dilated and by 4:20 I was already 10 cm and ready to push!! Good thing I got induced or my doctor says I wouldn't have made it to the hospital in time. Please continue to pray for grace as we adjust and thank you all who have made us food and helped in any way. We have the best friends any family could ask for. Especially you Tiff, you're my super hero!!!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Random Smunchie...

Isn't she just the cutest thing ever? We went into Rockville to the new town center and listened to a band play for a bit. She got to blow some bubbles and dance around. These aren't the greatest shots but my camera battery was dying so I had to hurry and sneak them in!! I'm so glad it's summer and we can enjoy some family time outside!!

Happy Mother's Day!!

Happy Mother's Day Meme and Nana!!
I love you and miss you and can't wait to see you soon when baby sister is born :)

In the meantime, here is a flower to say how much I care...

You make me smile and I think your really great!!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

First Birthday...

Alright, so these are a little over due but better late than never right??
The birthday girl in her tiara with some delicious frosting strategically planted on her nose!

This is the lovely last minute birthday cake creation that mommy made...not bad huh? haha

And a family pose during present time to remember the special day :)

A few favorite vacation memories...

I'm so grateful to have a mother-in-law who can't get enough of taking pictures!! They add wonderful diversity to my collection and Sophia loves posing for Nana's camera...

Talk about a picture to treasure forever. It's great to see my baby having a heart felt laugh with Papa...

You can't see them, but she is checking out her new shoes in the mirror. Nana and Papa blessed her with her first walking shoes!!...

And a great shot of mommy and mini-me at the beach...

Beach Babe

Here are some shots of my beautiful girlie on the beach. I wanted to retouch them but since EVERYONE is complaining that I haven't posted for so long I thought I would just put them up. Enjoy!!

Date Day Blessing

Brian's parents were so gracious as to allow us to have a whole day alone!!! It was a tremendous blessing and one we don't often get a chance to partake in. We went into Downtown Disney and saw a lot of fun things. I thought this tremendous Lego dragon slightly resembled my husband so we captured them together...haha. Love you babe (P.S. the entire thing was literally made out of Legos. It extended into the water and beyond!!)

Brian forced my pregnant self onto the Harley. I was resistant but it made him happy and it turns out I don't look so bad on a bike!

He is still not getting one however...haha.